Plaing tennis – Heat

Example May 26, 2021


Tennis courts

Don’t ignore the problems hot weather can create. Players who try to prove how tough they are run the risks of cramping, dehydration, fatigue, and not being able to hold onto a sweaty grip during long points. When playing in extremely hot weather, consider these key points:

Don’t wear yourself out trying to hit hard serves, especially on slow courts.
Make your opponent move around the court—side to side; up and back.
Conserve energy between points.
Take the full 90 seconds on changeovers.
Keep your racket grip dry with towels, wristbands, and drying agents.
Alternate rackets often enough to keep the grip dry.
Dress comfortably and coolly with loose-fitting tops.
Wear light-colored or air-vented apparel that reflects rather than absorbs the heat.
Drink cool water or sport drinks before, during, and after a match.
Use the shade on the court or at courtside during changeovers.
Keep ice or an ice pack at courtside and use it on your neck, under your arms, and on the backs of your knees.
Wear an air-vented hat.
Use water-based sunscreen and reapply it often.
Tennis: Steps to Success Jim Brown,Camille Soulier

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