Play tennis Adjusting to Conditions – Success Summary

Skills for this step are more mental than physical, and simulating game situations is not easy. The following scoring summary lists the drills that tested your ability to manage difficult situations. Enter your score for each drill and total your points. A score of 40 or more points out of 80 is a good one.
Becoming a successful tennis player involves a lot more than just hitting the ball over the net. Playing against different players in all types of situations makes the sport even more fun and challenging. A variety of distractions can level the playing field by allowing players with certain strengths to take advantage of them. Variety also makes it possible for weaker players to devise game plans that make them more competitive against superior opponents. When you reach a point in your tennis life at which you no longer worry about stroke technique and are able to focus instead on more sophisticated elements of the game, you know you’re making progress.
Tennis: Steps to Success Jim Brown, Camille Soulier