Superior Tennis Players Opponents

Example November 13, 2022


Tennis Superior Opponents

Sooner or later, every tennis player has to compete against someone with superior talent. Fortunately, going against someone who is physically superior doesn’t have to result in an automatic loss.
Once a match begins, try not to worry about how good your opponent is. You are stuck with each other, so go ahead and play your tennis style. If you fear that every shot by your opponent will be a winner, you will probably play below your capability. As the match progresses, variables change. Opponents fatigue and balls bounce slower, both of which allow more time for you to get back in the match. Try to relax a little and play each point rather than worrying about the outcome. You may play even better than you normally do. Superior players frequently bring out the best in inferior opponents.
Your opponent is not likely to hit a shot that you haven’t seen before. In fact, at some point, you have probably returned every type of shot she has to offer. All the other player can do is hit a tennis ball. You might see some shots more often or in different situations, but there aren’t that many surprises out there. Try to win points. If you can win a few points, you can win a game. If you can win a few games, you can win a set, and possibly the match.
Following are some specific ways to improve your chances against a player who, at least on paper, appears to be better than you.
Even elite athletes have weaknesses. Lesser athletes have to look for the few deficiencies that great athletes possess. By observing, making mental notes, or just asking questions, you can accrue points, games, and matches by exploiting minor weaknesses. Maybe it’s a weak second serve or perhaps a preference to stay in the backcourt. Perhaps it’s a lack of concentration because the focus is on something other than the match.
Physical prowess comes easily to experienced athletes. This doesn’t mean that the rest of us can’t master sports skills; it just might take longer to reach the same level. Some children learn to read quickly; others require more time and effort. But the result is that both groups can read well. If you can’t match your opponent’s physical skills, you may be able to make up the deficit by outworking him during practice sessions. Go into the match with the attitude that it will take more than talent to beat you.
Athletes who are a step slower than elite athletes can make up for some of the difference in reaction time and speed by anticipating the return. A tennis player starts moving to either the forehand or backhand side in anticipation of where the next shot will be hit. Anticipation is a great equalizer, although it’s difficult to quickly acquire the ability and know what is about to happen. This skill takes intelligence, experience, and the physical ability to act on what you have observed. As with every other tennis skill, it comes with time. You have to become a mental statistician…

Read more on: Tennis: Steps to Success Jim Brown, Camille Soulier

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