Tennis Injuries

Example May 12, 2022


Tennis Injuries

Warming up for a tennis lesson, class, or match is important not only for preventing injuries but also for improving performance. Cooling down properly and safely gets your body back to normal and may help prepare you for the next time you play. In between, tennis players can sustain injuries. In this section, you’ll read about current guidelines for warming up and cooling down as well as common tennis injuries, their treatment, and their prevention.

Tennis elbow gets most of the publicity, but several less serious, more common injuries occur among tennis players of all ages and abilities. Blisters, cramps, shin splints, sprains, and strains are problems all players encounter sooner or later (see table 1). Tennis injuries are not usually emergencies, and players who are well informed can take care of them without medical assistance.

Tennis: Steps to Success Jim Brown,Camille Soulier

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