Volley Drill – Volleys Win (two tennis players)


Volley Drill

As a final test, play a set against your practice partner using standard rules, with one exception: an either player who wins a point with a volley wins the game. Regardless of the score, the game is won if you or your opponent finishes a point with a volley. Use good judgment when going to the net. Advance to a volleying position because your opponent is in trouble and not because you are going to take a wild chance of winning a game.
To Increase Difficulty
• Replay all points that are not won by a volley, keeping the same score.
To Decrease Difficulty
• Play a set in which only one player wins the game by hitting a winning volley.
Success Check
• Hit groundstrokes and approach shots deep to open up volley opportunities.
• Use good judgment when deciding to attack.
Score Your Success
• 1 point for each game won with a volley
• Your score: ___ out of a maximum of 6 games

Read more on: Tennis: Steps to Success Jim Brown, Camille Soulier

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