Volleys, forcing the Action

tenniscourtreserve.com March 10, 2022


Tennis racker, court

If you like action, you will love volleying. The ball is hit before a bounce, and because you are moving closer to the net, you will have less time to react to your opponent’s shots. Volleys help you to force the action and take control of the point. If your personality has an aggressive side, volleys let you express it. They also give you one more weapon for your opponent to worry about, which makes playing tennis even more fun.

Tennis players have to hit serves, forehands, and backhands to play the game, but in most singles situations they are not forced to hit volleys. Using a volley as an offensive weapon is a choice—a mind-set and a skill set. You have to want to get into a position in which you can hit volleys instead of depending solely on your groundstrokes to win points.

Having the ability to return shots from any position on the court, before or after the bounce, means you are no longer just a baseline player. You are now an all-court player.
Tennis: Steps to Success Jim Brown,Camille Soulier

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